Dear Adventure Avenue,
Disneyland Again
Once back in Disneyland, we walked over to Pirates and waited for about 15 minutes before boarding. Pirates was a nice, long, and cool relaxing ride after a long day in the heat. After the ride, we tried to get a walk-up reservation for Blue Bayeux, but alas, there were none. My brother and uncle decided to go home, but my dad and I stayed a bit longer.
We went to the Haunted Mansion and waited in a fairly fast moving line. We think they changed a couple things on the ride. The thing I noticed was the addition of a ghoul right before you head backwards down into the grave yard scene.

It was time for us to eat dinner, so we headed over to Galaxy’s Edge as I love a good Ronto Wrap. I mobile ordered the food and then picked it up quickly. My dad found a great table overlooking the Millenium Falcon. Chewbaca was fixing the ship as we ate which was really cool!
After dinner we went on Smuggler’s Run again. This time we were both gunners – surprisingly not engineers. Our team did a lot better this time.

I got a refreshing Green Milk as we started walking over to It’s A Small World. I really liked the taste of Green Milk. The slush has a melon taste, but it is creamy like coconut milk.

We walked on to Small World and enjoyed the boat ride with the ever persistent song – in the ride and in your mind.
We noticed that the crowds started to clear out around 6. The people who stayed were going on rides like Space Mountain (unfortunately for us), but we were able to walk on to Star Tours for our final ride of the day.
It was a fun day at the Happiest Place on Earth, and I can’t wait to go back again.
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