Day 7 January 13, 2020
Dear Adventure Avenue,
SPOILER Warning- this post contains pictures of Star Wars Land so in case you haven’t been and are like me and don’t like Star Wars spoilers- This is not the post you’re looking for 😉
Well it’s the last day. 🙁 My brother and I slept in while my parents got ham and cheese croissants from the French place.
Then we quickly got dressed and ready to go to Hollywood Studios because we had a Fastpass. We went down to meet my uncle, Oma, and Papa. Unfortunately, we forgot our magic bands and had to text our uncle to come open their room. (We had 2 adjoining rooms and the doors were luckily open).
After we got our magic bands, the three of us went to Hollywood Studios to meet Oma, Papa, and my dad to ride Toy Story Mania while my mom finished packing.
There was a bit of an issue with the fastpasses (Oma, Papa, and my uncle’s didn’t have it for some reason) but luckily the cast member was kind enough it green it for them so they could go on.

After that ride, Oma and Papa headed over to Epcot for lunch. The rest of us went single rider on Smuggler’s run. I was the engineer with a subpar group. Somehow my brother and dad got gunner. (If you single rider then you are most likely going to get engineer.)

After we rode that we took the skyliner to Epcot for one last meal at the French bakery. I went out and got a crêpe as well to use up some of our snack credits. (We did the Disney Dining plan).

My brother got a pretzel from America and then it was time to go back to the hotel and wait for the bus to take us to the airport. I did not want to leave Disney World. I truly had a magical time.
The flight home went well. There was a toddler sitting across the aisle from me, but apart from a poorly planned stinky diaper (literally right when we were taking off and seatbelt sign was on and the poor mother could not change the diaper) there were no disruptions from her (that bothered me at least). The people sitting behind seemed to have to get up and use the bathroom every 5 minutes. I turned on Star Wars Episode 3 and watched that on Disney+ and there was peace in my world.
Until the next adventure,
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