Day 2- January 8, 2020
Dear Adventure Avenue,
SPOILER Warning- this post contains pictures and information about Rise of the Resistance and Star Wars Land so in case you haven’t been and are like me and don’t like any Star Wars spoilers- This is not the post you’re looking for 😉

Our day started very early- at 5:15 am- so that we could head over to Hollywood Studios and be in line to get into the park at 6. We ended up uberring because the skyliner wasn’t running and buses would take too long. The goal of our early entrance was to get a boarding group for the new Star Wars ride: Rise of the Resistance. We succeeded and got boarding group 96.

After securing our spot, my dad, uncle, brother, and I headed over to Smuggler’s Run. My brother and I were the gunners. I have to say it was a little confusing and hard to focus on the story. (Note from future me- it’s better as pilot or after you know what you’re doing… I’ll explain more later)

We then waited in a very long 80 minute line for Slinky Dog Dash, a fairly new rollercoaster. I enjoyed it; however, I’m not sure it was worth the wait. Don’t get me wrong, it was fun, but I don’t see myself waiting for that one again.

We were then met by Oma, Papa, and my mom. We went on Toy Story Mania. I got the highest score out of everyone. That ride is a lot of fun. I loved the scene where you shoot the plates.

Everyone was getting tired or at the very least, hungry, so we went to lunch at the Prime Time Cafe. Before we were able to round up the group and sit down and eat, some of us watched the little Star Wars show outside the Chinese theatre.

Lunch was delicious. I really enjoyed my chocolate shake and fried chicken. The portions were huge too!

We went on Star Tours again thanks to a fast pass. My mom was the only one to sit it out. After that everyone but my dad, Papa, and me left for the hotel to rest.

Meanwhile we checked out a museum/documentary about Walt Disney. I believe it was called a Man With a Dream. After that we went to a Star Wars movie and checked out some Star Wars movie props. They were both interesting and also a nice break from all the walking.

Sadly we found out there is no longer character drawing/animation. I had an interest in doing that, but it’s been gone awhile apparently.

We rejoined with the group to watch the Indiana Jones Stunt Show. The show itself is good and worth it to see, unless you’ve seen it a bunch of times before, then it kind of loses its charm.
After the show we headed to Epcot to pick up sandwiches for dinner at the French bakery. I got a ham and cheese croissant.

Then we finally got called for Rise of the Resistance. Unfortunately so did 32 other boarding groups.

After waiting for about an hour, a few of us had to use the restroom. Luckily we were able to get bathroom passes and not lose our spot in line.

That ride was worth the almost 2 hour wait and waking up super early. I loved it. Best ride ever! It’s an interactive experience and my mouth was again hanging open, in awe, at the shear realness and size of it. The First Order Troopers, the ships, and the ride itself was just amazing.

After that amazing ride, we went on Star Tours and walked on. We had the same experience on Star Tours that we had had before. But it was fun for me (albeit not as fun as Rise of the Resistance) because Papa and I got to sit in the middle back row all by ourselves. I like the back row because my feet don’t touch the ground so it’s a more thrilling ride for me.
Then we went back to our hotel and slept. It was a long day; a fun day, but long.
Until Tomorrow,
From Disney World
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