Dear Adventure Avenue,
My family and I were planning on taking a week-long vacation to Hawaii. We were going to Oahu to see Pearl Harbor. Then we were going to head over Maui and do some of our favorite things there. Unfortunately, there was still a 14 day quarantine, so we could go to Hawaii – we’d just be stuck in our room the entire time. Instead we chose to go to Huntington Beach – a destination that wasn’t an ocean away. This is the first day of our three day adventure.
We arrived at our hotel, the Hilton Waterfront Beach Resort in Huntington Beach around midday. Our room was already ready, so we took all our stuff in a luggage cart. They aren’t taking luggage up to the hotel room for you due to COVID. I honestly like taking my own luggage up to the room because then I have my luggage right away.

When we got to our room there was a sticker on the door saying it had been cleaned. Just to be safe, we got out our bottle of Lysol spray and clorox wipes and gave the room an extra clean. I’ll do a full room tour later.
We were getting hungry, so we headed to Pacific City, a nearby outdoor mall, to get some lunch. We decided to eat at The American Dream. It is a bit of a bar setting, but the food is delicious! My dad likes their coffee beer, so he got one- in the world’s smallest glass!

For lunch, my mom and I split the Truffle burger which was delicious!

My dad got a prosciutto, pesto, tomato, and burrata burger. He enjoyed it because it was different.

My brother got chicken tenders and ate every single one! We also got a basket of fries for the table with garlic aioli dip and horseradish dip for them. The fries were cooked perfectly!

When we got back to our room, we got our swimsuits on so we could go down to the pool. The pool was not very busy which was really nice. It was a little cold out, but once we got used to it, it wasn’t as bad. We did get a little cold again once the sun was covered by the clouds.

We had a delicious dinner of pizza! ZeroZero39 Pizzeria is a little hole in the wall pizza place off Main Street. It’s possible to walk down there, but we were all a bit tired, so my mom and dad drove down to get it.

We got a slice of truffle pizza (my favorite), pepperoni and pineapple pizza, cheese pizza, and tomato and mozzarella pizza. Their slices are not normal triangular slices, but rather are rectangles.

We spent the rest of the night relaxing. I read my newest Star Wars book: Queen’s Peril. It’s really good! My family and I also watched some HGTV and Food Network before finally calling it a night.
Signing off,
From Huntington Beach
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