Dear Adventure Avenue,
The gardening adventure has definitely had its ups and downs so far this summer. Between the rodents (mostly mice it seems, but perhaps a racoon as well) and a white powdery fungus attacking my zucchini, it is a wonder my plants are still alive!
How to Get Rid of White Powdery Fungus
I did find a spray that seems to work very well with getting rid of the white powdery fungus or is it a mildew? I’m not entirely sure, but I do know that this spray works:
This Liquid Copper Fungicide from Bonide got rid of most of the white stuff on my zucchini leaves. Now there are only one or two leaves that are affected by the white powdery fungus – instead of all my plants! I highly recommend it!

Anyway onto the garden…
The Squash
After the rodents ate all my little cabbages, I planted zucchini and yellow squash seeds in the big pots the cabbages were in. They seem to be doing very well. I am hoping there will be some squash ready to be picked in the coming weeks! Fingers crossed!

My original zucchini patch is doing okay. One plant seems to be doing really well, but the others are subpar. I was underwatering them for a few weeks so that caused me to loose a baby zucchini. 🙁 Well, I learn from my mistakes. Now I water twice a day and make sure every thing gets a very good drink of water.

I spy my hose watering!
The Strawberries
I stuck the strawberry starts we got at Tanaka Farms a couple weeks ago in some pots (and put them in a giant bucket to protect them from the rodents). They’re doing really well! When we got them, they didn’t have any leaves. Now, they are very green, and one even looks like it’s getting some flowers.
The Blackberry Bushes

The blackberries are growing like weeds! I picked a couple blackberries a couple days ago and some were delicious, but others I should’ve let them ripen a bit more.

The Tomatoes
Finally, my little tomato plant has been producing some delicious little tomatoes. They’re delicious with a little balsamic vinegar!

Hopefully everything will keep growing strong and the rodents will stay away!
Have a lovely day!
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