My Goals for 2025

Dear Adventure Avenue,

Every year, I like to write out my goals on this blog as a way to keep track of each goal. Every month I update my progress on here and provide commentary on how I’m doing on that goal.

1. Read 50 books this year. Of those 50 books, I want to read 4 French books. Two goals in one.

      2. Go to one new Coffee Shop a month. I’m doing this one with a friend and am so excited to complete this one!

      3. Exercise 2025 minutes. (That’s about 169 minutes a month).

      4. Strength train with weights 40 minutes a month. (This goal counts towards goal #3)

      5. Decrease number of photos on phone from 11,124 down to under 8,000 by posting travel pictures 3 times a month (and then deleting them afterwards).

      6. TOP Secret Goal

      Phase 1 is RESEARCH.

      7. Make my Disney pass “worth it”

      I have the Enchant Key which is the second tier and means I can go on some Sundays and most weekdays (but due to work, I’ll only be spending weeknights). This means I need to spend 82 hours at Disneyland, and it is assuming a 1day ticket is $119, the cheapest option outside of any specials they run. Based on a 10-hour day spent at Disney and that ticket price, I calculated that one hour at Disneyland is equal to $11.90.

      Until next time,


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