Oak Glen Apple Picking Adventure October 2020

Dear Adventure Avenue,

Last weekend my mom, brother, and I visited Oak Glen to pick apples and support the small businesses. 

As we drove up to the apples, we saw the damage from one of the California fires. It was heartbreaking to drive up the mountain and see all the damage the fire had done to the hills and to people’s orchards.

We saw many signs thanking firefighters. 


Our first stop (as always) was to visit Snow-line and get some apple cider doughnuts. Today I also got some apple cider. 

Picking Apples at Los Rios Rancho

Then we headed up to Los Rios Rancho. Unfortunately, the day before we were going, there was a building fire in their early 1900s store building across the street from the orchard. Luckily, firefighters were able to put out the fire before the orchards were affected. 

We picked Granny Smith, Gala, and Spartans. 

The bees seemed to be quite enjoying the fallen apples. 

After we picked our apples we stopped in the little town in search of an apple crumble for my mom. 

Apple Annie’s Restaurant and Bakery

Apple Annie’s did not have an apple crumble but they did have a delicious looking French apple pie that my mom ended up getting. They had regular sized pies and mini pies. But both pie sizes were stacked about a foot high with apples!

Pops & Drops

Right next to Apple Annie’s was a sweets shop called Pops & Drops. Before we even went in, we caught a glimpse of the magic happening in the kitchen. Those caramel chocolate apples looked delicious!

We went inside and it was like a sweet lovers paradise. Cases of chocolates and fudges lined the wall parallel to the entrance.

There were old fashioned candies in barrels and on display in front of my favorite part: The glass window into the kitchen. 

After we bought a caramel and chocolate covered apple, we headed home, happy to have supported those small businesses and thankful that the fires had not completely destroyed a wonderful place to visit. 




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