Dear Adventure Avenue,
A big part of why we went to the Reagan Library was because of this Star Wars exhibit: Defending America & the Galaxy. This exhibit only runs until September 8, 2024. We came for this exhibit, but it turned out that the Reagan library exhibits and Air Force One were our favorite parts.

The Star Wars exhibit was a bit on the small side, with a lot of it recently added by Todd Fisher, Carrie Fisher’s brother, somewhat recently according to a docent. Because of Todd’s contribution to the exhibit, it was worth it in my eyes. I am a huge fan of Carrie Fisher and Princess Leia, so the things included in the exhibit from Todd were great.

We found a few spelling errors in the exhibit placards, but there was interesting information in them that I hadn’t known about.
Movie Posters
Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia

Star Wars Toys

Stay tuned for part 4 to see the grounds of the Reagan Library.
Until then,
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