Dear Adventure Avenue,
I hope this year’s garden will be better than 2020. As you may recall, last years garden did not end well… I almost considered not starting another garden at all. It was just too sad to work so so hard and have nothing expect a couple handfuls of tomatoes and blackberries.
That was until I got my hands on this book by Shaye Elliott – Welcome to the Farm: How-to Wisdom From the Elliott Homestead! This book inspired (and continues to inspire) me to give the garden another go.

Will it be better than last year?
I sure hope so! I am starting seeds inside so that the little critters (i.e. the mice do not eat my tender little seedlings.
Today I planted lavender and cabbage seeds. I used recycled egg cartons from Costco as my seed trays, as well as some old (cleaned out) pots. I listened to Shaye and used seed starting mix.
I am also planning to grow some zucchini again and some green beans.
Hopefully with my new knowledge, I will be able to grow more than just a handful of tomatoes.
My tomatoes from last year are still producing! They have more on them now than they did over summer. And it’s winter! California weather has a mind of its own.

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