Dear Adventure Avenue,
As part of my Decluttering 1000 Items Challenge, I sent another box to ThredUp. This time I chose an Athleta Partner Kit, as opposed to the Gap one I did last time. You can read about that one here.
If you don’t know what ThredUp is, it’s basically an online consignment shop. You can order a clean out bag to send in your clothes (though right now they only have shipping labels which is great because you can fill up a giant box, as long as it’s under 30 pounds). I liked how ThredUp makes shipping your items easy! If you’re interested in ThredUp, you can sign up through my link and we’ll each get $10 to spend on their website.
What I sent in
I sent in 26 items, and they accepted 13! Three of these items were not in my box (see below). I sent in a St. John sweater that I had purchased with a $15 Poshmark credit and $1.50 out of pocket. (Some credits on Poshmark can’t be direct deposited, but instead must be used within the app).

I decided to use the credit to buy the sweater after my success with my last St. John sweater. This one made less than the St. John’s by Nordstrom sweater, but I still made a profit!
What They Accepted
Somehow, I was given credit for Shoedazzle Wedges, Melissa Sandals, and Nine West flats. I did not send these things in my box, so there must have been some mix up.
Nothing in my bag was put on consignment – they were all upfront items which probably contributed to the speed of my bag’s processing time.
I selected the Athleta gift card which came with a 15% boost. I received $48.01 plus my 15% boost brought me up to $55.21. While it wasn’t as big as the last payout, I am still very happy with it as it helped me with my decluttering goal and made some money.
I sent my order on January 18, 2022, and it arrived on January 27, 2022. The order finished processing on January 29, 2022, but my gift card was not sent until February 2, 2022. This is still very fast considering the wait times on the website say it could take up to 12 weeks to process.
All in all, I was very happy with my experience with ThredUP. It was fast, convenient, and I ended up with a good payout! If you’re interested in ThredUp, you can sign up through my link and we’ll each get $10 to spend on their website. Let me know how your experience goes down in the comments if you try it out!

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