This is part of a series of trips or destination that I have been to in the past. One of the main reasons why I started this blog was because I started keeping a travel journal, so I have many stories and places saved written down. I have visited both fun and interesting places that I really want to share so here goes…
August 5, 2015
Day 6
Dear Adventure Avenue,
For breakfast, my dad got bagels and bananas.
We went to the pool for a bit but I got tired and went back to the room. (Most likely because I was sick the night before or because it was just too hot.)
For lunch we went to Casa Maria (at the neighboring hotel). My brother and I had chicken tenders. My dad had a burger, Grand-mère had a spicy chicken dish, and my mom had a tomato pasta salad.
Before we went to dinner we went to a train wreck museum.
For dinner we went to Hog’s Breath Saloon. My mom and I split a chicken sandwich, my dad had a pull boy sandwich, grand-mère had conch soup, and my brother had chicken tenders.

Then we went on a super cool shots story where we learned to respect Robert the doll and other interesting things. In order to take a picture of Robert, one must ask the doll’s permission. I won’t post any of the pictures of Robert because I never asked him permission to post them on the blog. The punishment for not obeying Robert’s wishes is that bad things start to happen to you (and I’d rather not chance it).

Also I think I should note that I did not climb the tower, mostly because it was really, really hot.
Signing off, until tomorrow,
Probably a good choice not to post Robert’s pic! 😂