This is part of a series of trips or destination that I have been to in the past. One of the main reasons why I started this blog was because I started keeping a travel journal, so I have many stories and places saved written down. I have visited both fun and interesting places that I really want to share so here goes…
August 6, 2015
Day 7
Dear Adventure Avenue,
My dad went and got bagels for breakfast and sandwiches for lunch.

After eating breakfast we walked down to Casa Marina and made shark tooth necklaces (for free).

My mom and dad went to get massages while my brother and I stayed in the room and played cards and ate sandwiches with Grand-mère.
When my parents got back we went to the center of town. My parents ate at a pizza place and my brother and I got gelato. I got coconut while he got chocolate.
While we were all eating, Grand-mère was shopping at Tommy Bahamas. The guy who was helping her decide to make her purchases asked her out. Unfortunately for him she already had plans with her grandchildren.
After Grand-mères shopping spree we went to Starbucks, CVS, and then back to the hotel.
For dinner we ate at Casa Marina. Grand-mère met us there after her massage. I had a burger, my brother had chicken tenders, my mom had lobster, my dad had grouper, and Grand-mère had conch chowder and lobster salad.
My parents went out to Better Than Sex while my brother, grand-mère, and I stayed in the room and plotted an evil scheme to drench my parents when they came back. Grand-mère and I tried to put a thing of water above the door so it would fall on them, but unfortunately it didn’t work. Needless to say my parents were pleased that our plan failed.
We leave tomorrow after breakfast and fly home at 5:15.
Signing off, until next time,
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