Dear Adventure Avenue,
This year I made five goals that I hope to accomplish by 2022. Some of these goals are curiosity based, while others are geared towards self growth or preservation. You can read more about them in this post.
I think I did pretty good for the first month of the year – though it helped that I had a lot of free time thanks to school not starting until the end of January. Here’s hoping I can continue to accomplish these goals…
- Track how much I actually make per month/per year using money making apps. Checkout this post to get the referral codes and links so you can follow along on this adventure.
Checkout 51: starting $14.04 Current earnings $14.13
Ibotta: starting $4.30 Current earnings $12.23
Shopkick: starting 11 kicks ($1 = 250 kicks) Current earnings 323 kicks
Swagbucks: starting 45 swagbucks ($1 = 100 swagbucks) Current earnings 157 swagbucks
Fetch Rewards: starting 3,215 points ($1 = 1,000 points) Current earnings 3,531 points.
2. Read 12 books throughout the year. That’s a book a month.
So far this year I have read:
- Star Wars: Thrawn by Timothy Zahn
- Welcome to the Farm: How-to Wisdom from the The Elliott Homestead by Shaye Elliott
- Star Wars: Thrawn Alliances by Timothy Zahn
- Star Wars: Thrawn Treason by Timothy Zahn
I loved (and highly recommend) all these books!

3. Create a Star Wars inspired quilt square once a month to create a Star Wars quilt in December or January of next year.
So far I’ve made:
- A Sequel Trilogy square with Rey and BB-8
- A Mandalorian square with Grogu!

4. Make 12 new recipes.
So far I’ve made:
- Leeks with butter and breadcrumbs (First time I ever had leeks and they were delicious!) recipe coming soon
- Poulet au Tomate recipe coming soon

5. Take one Mental Health Monday a week. This month I did a lot of yoga through the Peloton app. I also indulged in a lovely face mask. (Que Bella Face Mask is my favorite face mask brand right now!) I slacked a bit here in the photography department!
Please note that this post contains affiliate links. This means that if you use the link to purchase, I get a small percentage of the sale at no additional cost to you. These links help support my blog. You can check out my privacy policy to find out more. Thanks!

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