Dear Adventure Avenue,
As you may know, one of my goals this year is to DECLUTTER! I actually started this goal back in December 2021 after I finished reading Declutter Like a Mother by Allie Casazza, and I realized that some of my Poshmark inventory just wasn’t selling and as Allie says, “What takes up your space, takes up your time.” I researched an easy way to get rid of these clothes and make a little money off them, and that led me to ThredUP.
If you don’t know what ThredUp is, it’s basically an online consignment shop. You can order a clean out bag to send in your clothes (though right now they only have shipping labels which is great because you can fill a giant box up, as long as it’s under 30 pounds). I liked how ThredUp makes shipping your items easy.
I chose to do a GAP partner kit as I had read that the partner kits typically pay out faster and GAP is a store where my mom shops, and I wanted to give her the gift card as a “Thank you” for all of her clothes she’d given me to sell on Poshmark.
What I sent in
I sent in 32 items to ThredUp. I was very certain the St. John’s sweater would sell based on some research I’d done. This sweater was nice, and I knew it should be selling, but it just wasn’t on Poshmark. The rest were just some other things that weren’t selling, and I thought, “Might as well try to get something for them!”
I’ve included my itemized list of what I sent in as well as what they took for everything here:

What they Accepted
I wasn’t too surprised that the St. John’s Sweater was the biggest winner for ThredUp, but I was surprised that it garnered the highest price by as much as it did. I think this is something to be kept in mind when using ThredUp. I happened to have a brand (St. John) that sells really well on ThredUp and that positively influenced my payout.
I was the most surprised that they took the Ann Taylor Loft casual blue dress as I didn’t think it was in great condition and it wasn’t in season.
Nothing in my bag was put on consignment – they were all upfront items which probably contributed to the speed of my bag’s processing time.
I made $130.22 plus a 15% boost which brought my total to $149.75. Keep in mind that the majority of that was the Saint John’s sweater which I got $115.36. I’ve seen reviews of ThredUP where people are really upset because they barely made anything. It all depends on your brands. I actually expected to make $15 to $20 which is close to what I would’ve gotten sans the sweater.
I sent my box in the morning of Christmas Eve (December 24, 2021) and they received my items on January 3, 2022. They finished processing my items on January 4, and I was ‘paid’ (ie sent a gift card) on January 5.
That is VERY fast considering their website says it will take about 12 weeks to process your kit, and I think it has everything to do with selecting a partner bag.
All in all, I was very happy with my experience with ThredUP. It was fast, convenient, and I ended up with a good payout! If you’re interested in ThredUp, you can sign up through my link and we’ll each get $10 to spend on their website. Let me know how your experience goes down in the comments if you try it out!
Happy Fashion Friday!

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