June 27, 2019
Dear Adventure Avenue,
After taking our private elevator up with the manager of the hotel, we were shown our room: The Presidential Suite. We walked into a big open area with an L shaped room.

A dining room table stood in the entry way. A pull out couch, TV, and small bar space (with a sink) were in the other part of the room. A desk stood in the angle of the L.

In this area there were also little treasures and plants in the windows.

We were then shown one of the balconies. It had a panoramic view and our own personal hot tub.

There were two bedrooms of the same makeup, except one was the sunrise room and the other was the sunset room.

Outside each of the large bathrooms there were two balconies, making a total of 5 balconies.

One slight problem with the bathrooms was that the wall was all glass to the outside and there were no curtains. This made the sunset room bathroom heat up a lot in the afternoon sun. However the view was incredible.

From La Seyne Sur Mer
PS Be sure to check out the other days of this adventure!
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