Best Place to Buy Olive Oil in Paris France: Tomat’s Épicerie Fine

Dear Adventure Avenue,

If you are ever in Paris, France and are searching for the best place to buy olive oil and vinegars, then look no further than Tomat’s Épicerie Fine! My mom found it while searching for an olive oil place near us. We were near Place Dauphine at the time when she found a little shop called Tomat’s Épicerie Fine that was close enough for us to walk and thank goodness she did because it was wonderful! A must visit in Paris! We visited here on our third day in France.

The owner was very friendly. First off, don’t get discouraged if you can’t find it. It’s in a courtyard and not on a main road, so enter under a little arch and see this sign:

The sign on the door was the perfect start to our French olive oil tasting:

The sign read, “I’m not far. You can ring the bell. Thanks for your understanding.”

We rang the bell, and sure enough, she came right down! It turned out that she was the owner. As we checked out her little store, she let us try various olive oils and vinegars. We also tried a very interesting black garlic that came in a crayon formation. She also had spices. The cinnamon and soft pepper were DE-LISH!

The owner gave us these chips as a thank you for our large purchase.

We had such a wonderful time, and the owner was so helpful. It is a must visit shop in Paris! Here is our haul:

Not pictured is an olive oil we gave to grand mere before we left France.

If you’re ever in France, be sure to check out Tomat’s Épicerie Fine!



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