Dear Adventure Avenue,
We started the day by going to Eric Kayser for breakfast. We got pain au chocolats. Then we went back to the room and enjoyed some hot tea. Well, I enjoyed it until I spilled half my cup on myself by accident! Whoops!

Then we got ready for our tour and took a taxi to the Moulin Rouge where our tour guide would meet us. Grand-mère decided to have a rest day while the three of us went on the tour.

Montmartre Tour
The tour was very interesting as Montmartre still has a small village aesthetic in certain places.

It’s called Montmartre (or Mountain of the martyr) because St. Denis, after being decapitated for spreading Christianity during Roman times, became one of the first martyrs in France).

We also saw a few sites of where Amelie was filmed as well as several Vincent Van Gogh sites including where he lived with his brother. Lots of artists lived in Montmartre.

We also visited a church and Sacré Cœur. I have no interior pictures as those weren’t allowed.
After our lovely tour, we went to a little cafe in the artists square (very few artists though because of Covid). I really wanted a crêpe. I enjoyed a Nutella and banana one, our friend enjoyed a sugar, and my mom a chocolate.

Musée de Carnavalet
We proceeded to find taxis. Our friend was heading back to the hotel and we were going to Musée de Carnavalet which explores the history of Paris. It was really interesting! We spent at least two hours there. I enjoyed reading all the placards of information.
Then we took the Metro back to our hotel and relaxed. It was a long day of lots of walking uphill and up and down stairs.
Cafe Saint Honore
We kept dinner simple tonight and went to our favorite little cafe, Cafe Saint Honore. My mom and I split their delicious margherita pizza, and I also had a sugar crepe! We liked the pizza with a little bit of balsamic vinegar on it. Our friend ordered French Onion soup and a fish dish, but then the waiter forgot about the fish so he brought us a plate of 4 little macarons! It was totally unnecessary but also just goes to show why we love this place. My grand-mere had vegetable soup. One mustn’t forget the virgin mojitos either! Even though it was rainy outside, I still had one!

When we got back to the hotel, the three girls went down to the bar where I enjoyed a lovely glass of Perrier, my drink of choice when a delicious Virgin mojito is unavailable!
Then it was time to head back to the room for bed.
Until Tomorrow,
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