Dear Adventure Avenue,
Today was a bit of a relaxing day which was nice. My mom and I slept in a little bit before heading out (sans umbrellas) for breakfast at Eric Kayser. We got our usual pain au chocolates and ate them outside the boulangerie. Then we walked to Tuileries Park which is a short walk from our hotel. We watched dogs playing in the law.

Almost no one keeps their dog on a leash and it’s amazing to me at how well trained their dogs are. They don’t run into the street, and they listen to their owners when called.

We walked a little further and realized we hadn’t yet entered the official part of the park with the magnificent fountains and manicured trees and bushes. The tulips were in bloom and it was lovely. Then the misty weather turned into a gentle rain, so we decided it would be best to head back to the hotel.

But first, we stopped at Starbucks for hot tea (one for me and one for grand-mère to make an iced tea out of). In the Starbucks was one of the dogs (I think) we had seen playing at the park. The dog was wet, full of sand, and his owner was mortified. She told us in french accented English, “I am so sorry” when he came up to say hi to us, “I don’t want him to get you all dirty in your nice clothes.” I resisted the urge to say, “He can jump on me! I want to give him all the pets!” He was very cute.
While we drank our tea in Grand-mere’s room, we chatted as the rain came down outside. Soon we decided to go to Galeries La Fayette for a little bit of shopping.
After we glanced around for a bit, we decided to eat lunch before any serious shopping or trying on began. We went to EL&N because Angelina’s was no longer in the store. Very sad as we were unable to continue our hot chocolate taste test. At the cafe in Galeries La Fayette, I had the best French toast ever. It was covered in Nutella and berries! My mom had delicious avocado toast, and Grand-mere had the tuna rolls. Everything was played in a lab aesthetic way. I also enjoyed the peach iced tea which had mint and lemons in it.
After lunch, we started trying on clothing. There wasn’t anything my mom and I were really interested in, so we decided to head back to the hotel.
The Ritz Cafe
On our way out, we opted to make a pit stop and go to the Ritz Cafe for drinks because it had been recommended to me and the audiobook, I’ve been listening to talked about how Coco Chanel stayed at the Ritz in Paris. The audiobook is called Chanel’s Riviera in case you’re interested.

I ordered what was called a Mojithé which was basically a green tea version of a mojito (Sans alcool bien sûr). It was really good! They set out some truffle cashews, potato chips, and olives for the table. The truffle cashews were pretty great.

I used the restroom at the Ritz and even that was very nice!

We then continued on back to the hotel where we saw the other two already back at a nearby café, having taken a taxi back to the hotel. We took their purchases back up to our room so they could sit without the new suitcase Grand-mère had purchased as the one she brought is broken.
Dinner at L’îlot Vache
We went to the most amazing French dinner last night at L’îlot Vache. It was the kind of dinner that lasts a long while with time in between each course. I was the only one to get the “menu” which meant I got the pre-fix. I had French onion soup, duck confit, a cheese plate, and crème brûlée. It was delicious! I enjoyed every part of the meal. Everyone else only had two courses with my mom having some of my soup and then her main dish of steak. I tried a piece of grand-mère’s smoked salmon appetizer and it was also really good. The ambiance and food were perfect.
As we were enjoying our food, an American couple were trying to order a dirty martini but the waiter didn’t understand what that meant so I translated for them, and the waiter says in English, “No! We do not have that!” 😂
We took the metro home, and I went up to bed!
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