Dear Adventure Avenue,
Last year, my monthly goals were an adventure of curiosity and personal growth. This year, I’m feeling 2022 (Taylor Swift fans out there will get the reference) and plan on working on things that I enjoy doing or that I want to accomplish this year. Let’s get to it!
Goals for the New Year
I realized once gardening season started last year that I should have made gardening one of my goals for last year. I love to garden, but with this as a goal, I plan on keeping better track of my gardening adventures. This year in the garden, I plan to:
Plant zucchini in the new plot I started. I’m trying a no dig method to deal with bad soil and weeds.
So far, I am not having much luck with this plot. I don’t think the seedlings can survive long enough to put decent roots in the clay like soil. I am pivoting a little bit by putting some of my Snow White tomato starts in this patch and attempting to start zucchini in pots with the goal to transplant them into the ground.

I still have my Snow White and Amy’s Apricot tomatoes from last year thriving and producing lots of tomatoes! I still have my green onions! They are on their fourth or fifth round! I harvest the green shoots by cutting them off with scissors and freezing the chopped up green onion. Plus, now I have oodles of tomato plants from my local Arboretum!

A couple of these tomato plants already have baby tomatoes on them!
Plant herbs and/or strawberries in my new Vertical planter – affiliate link here.
I probably should start more basil in my vertical planter.

I love yoga, and it’s so good for my physical and mental health.
In January, I practiced yoga 22 times! (How fitting!)
In February, I practiced yoga 8 times!
In March, I practiced yoga 3 times
In April, I practiced yoga 6 times! (I started going to yoga classes at my town’s Community Center)
In total, I practiced yoga 39 times! Over halfway done!
I like to track the books I read throughout the year. Since I love to read, this is a great 2022 inspired goal.
So far this year I have read:
Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendency: Chaos Rising by Timothy Zahn
Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good by Timothy Zahn
I’m still working on Marie Antoinette: The Journey by Antonia Fraser and Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil by Timothy Zahn. I like to have multiple books to read at once, but it looks like I need to step up my reading game if I want to finish this goal by the end of the year!
After reading Declutter Like a Mother by Allie Casazza last year, I decided to give decluttering a go. I started this goal on December 3 and had already decluttered 179 things.
In January, I decluttered 322 items.
In February, I decluttered 27 items.
In March, I decluttered 18 items.
In April, I decluttered 18 items.
In total, I decluttered 564 items!
I’m just using a piece of graph paper to track mine, but Let’s Live and Learn is where I got the idea to declutter 1000 items. She has a printable that may be helpful – link here.
This goal goes along the same lines as goal #4 as some of the things I’m decluttering are nice clothes that just no longer fit or serve me, but still have lots of wear left in them. Check out my review of Poshmark here. If you’re interested in Poshmark, use my code asposhadventure to sign up and get a $10 credit.
In January, I sold 36 listings!
In February, I sold 17 listings!
In March, I sold 16 listings! (This doesn’t include a Depop sale or an eBay sale)
In April, I sold 17 listings!
Total Listings Sold: 86 listings!
Let’s achieve our goals and I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 2022!

Please note that this post contains affiliate links. This means that if you use the link to purchase, I get a small percentage of the sale at no additional cost to you. These links help support my blog. You can check out my privacy policy to find out more. Thanks!
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