Dear Adventure Avenue,
Cassian (or Cassie) is a Labrador Retriever who can tear things to pieces in seconds or treasure them forever. She is kindof like the baby of the family, and is therefore, very loved (of course) and spoiled rotten! We (okay my mom and I) buy her a lot of toys. These are her favorite toys that have lasted longer than the 5 minutes that it sometimes takes Cassie to destroy a toy. To read more about how Cassie came into our lives – click here!

Chew Toys
The ALL MIGHTY PINEAPPLE! The little green pineapple is Cassie’s favorite toy of all. It’s her favorite to hold in her mouth while playing or to chew on. The little pineapple is also one of her favorite projectile objects – besides a good ol’ tennis ball of course.
The bigger pineapple was the original pineapple toy, but since she loved it so much, we got her the green one (we didn’t realize it was smaller, but there are lots of different sizes to choose from). The bigger pineapple is better for bigger dogs.

Kong makes great strong toys. Cassie’s current favorite Kong toy is not the classic KONG that you can fill with stuff (affiliate link here), but a ring. It’s a giant tri colored ring that is a little big for Cassie, but she loves it. The ring is perfect for her to gnaw on or keep in her mouth while she plays soccer with her toys! I can’t seem to find it on Amazon, but here is the link for Chewy.

This bone is great for chewing. Cassie’s had it for months now, and she hasn’t been able to tear anything off of it yet! Score!

Cassie likes these bigger tennis balls, but they don’t fit in the accessories that I will be mentioning in the next section. I think she likes these because they are easier for her to paw.
Cassie is very rough on her tennis balls. She likes to play with two balls at a time – one in her mouth (which she gnaws on) and one on the ground. This is why we usually go for real tennis balls and not the ones found in the Dog Section of say Target. These seem to have worked the best for Cassie (affiliate link).
Chuck It
The CHUCK IT tennis ball launcher is the best thing for a ball obsessed dog. It’s perfect because you don’t have to touch a wet, soggy, disgusting ball.
We also have the CHUCK IT ring launcher but Cassie prefers to keep the ring in her mouth and chase balls instead. (Affiliate link for the ring launcher here).
The Nerf Tennis ball launch blaster is like the extreme version of the CHUCK IT stick. Cassie gets very excited when she hears the clicking of the ball getting into position.
We have the Extreme version pictured and linked below, but I’m sure the classic blaster is just as fun – affiliate link here.
Fluffy Toys
Fluffy toys don’t always last forever, but if it can last for at least a month – I consider that a win!
Bark Box
The Bark Box (Super chewer) box is our preferred box. As long as the toys don’t have fur, they last a long time. With the Bark box, you can also get treats!
Home Goods
We recently discovered Home Goods has some great dog toys! We bought Cassie a bunny with a carrot for $5.99, and she’s been playing with it NON STOP! Bunny survived for a couple weeks before her arm was ripped up. I was able to sew her back up to get a couple more weeks out of her.

I hope these toy recommendations serve you and your pup well in the future!
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