Dear Adventure Avenue,
Are you in Orange County California and looking for a local mom and pop yarn shop? Well, look no further than Velona Needlecraft! They will surely have everything you need to complete your knitting or crocheting project!
My friend and I decided to check out this place as we wanted to support a local business for our knitting (me) and crocheting (her) adventures. We wanted the homey-feel and the knowledge that comes with an independent store. Velona Needlecraft did not disappoint.
We were greeted by who we assumed was the owner of the store and her friend. These two older ladies were sitting at a big pine table knitting away. The owner immediately asked us what we were looking for (and us being the still amateur needlecrafters that we are only had colors and a vague idea of what we needed).

She showed us around the store, pointing out what each section of yarn was. My friend was looking for specific colors and I wanted a neutral natural fiber for a face towel project I have in mind. (I’m also still working on my giant Outlander shawl).

Stacks and stacks of yarn lined the shelves. It appeared that some of the pattern inventory had been there since the 1980s. We couldn’t stop saying how this was the perfect yarn experience.

My friend found the colored yarns that she wanted, and I found a cotton beige that was nice and soft.
We paid for our yarn at the little paying nook. My friend paid first, and I watched as the owner wrote down on an old-fashion style receipt the items my friend was buying. Then she added them up on a calculator, punched the number into the credit card machine, and my friend was the proud new owner of some yarn. The owner became a bit flustered when the credit card machine ran out of paper, but we assured her it was no big deal.
I then paid with cash to assuage her worries about the credit card machine paper. My skein of yarn was on sale for $5 plus some tax.
As we were leaving the store, we saw that they did classes to learn how to knit.
All in all, we left the store knowing that we’d be back soon to pick up more yarn for our next projects.

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