Dear Adventure Avenue,
Welcome to the newest additions to A’s Animals Adventure: The Baby chicks!
Chickens have been on my mind for awhile – all the staying at home had brought out my inner Laura Ingalls Wilder. I listened to homesteading podcasts and read books about farming to satisfy the itch, but deep down I knew the answer was chickens.
I know what you’re thinking – Chickens? Really A? Yes I know. They poop a lot and they’re a bit smelly (as my brother loves to point out). BUT! They lay the most delicious eggs!
We got Ameraucana chicks from our local feed store because they usually will lay beautiful turquoise blue eggs!
Kylo Hen

I had to keep the Star Wars name theme going for at least one of the new chicks! It’s a play off of Kylo Ren (if you’re not as obsessed with Star Wars as I am š ). And she is very true to her name! She wants to be the ruler of the roost… er aquarium habitat… but her friend has let her know that she is not the one in charge!
Which brings me to…
Madame Cluckington of Butterton

With a name like that it’s no wonder she’s the queen of the castle! My brother came up with this “hen”tastic name and I am very happy about it because it combines my love of Downton Abbey with a bit of a French flair.
Cassian appears to be enamored by “her” chickens. She likes to go and check on them.

Be sure to follow @asanimalsadventure on Instagram for more on Cassian and the new chicks!
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