Dear Adventure Avenue,
I’m sure everyone’s holiday card says this, but I’ll say it again: This wasn’t the year we expected or wanted. This wasn’t the year we saw the people we love and care about in the traditional way. This wasn’t the year…
But instead of focusing on the year that wasn’t, let’s remember the year that was. No matter how big or small the event, let’s remember the things that brought us joy this year.
The Year That Was
- My family and I went to Disney World in January.
- Star Wars the Clone Wars released their final season. As a huge Star Wars fan, this was exciting for me.
- My dad and I were able to go to Disneyland together for the first time in forever.
- I reconnected with my love of sewing and made masks when they were nowhere to be found. I even made a blog post about it.
- I reacquainted myself with this blog and got a job at a law office over the summer.
- The Mandalorian returned for a second season and was amazing!
- My family and I visited Huntington Beach and Santa Barbara where we enjoyed time together as a family with less obligations and distractions.
- After creating my DIY Star Wars Dresser post, it became the most popular post on my blog!
- I found a love of French cuisine, and I continue to work to improve my French speaking abilities.
Maybe some of these things resonate with you and your year or maybe not. We all have different experiences, joys, and passions, but we are all human.
We’ve all certainly felt hurt or pain this year – some more than others. Together we stand, a bit broken, but still standing nonetheless.
As we look at 2020 in our rearview mirror, I want to lead you into the new year with a quote from Star Wars: The Clone Wars: “Never give up hope, no matter how dark things seem.”
Happy New Year

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